Saturday 28 October 2017

Human Resources--English-1 Unit-1

Unit 1--Human Resources

What are human resources? Give a few examples of human resources and their contribution to society.

Basically, there are three types of resources—
Natural resources: The elements or things found in the environment such as land, water and minerals.
Capital resources: The requirements of an organization or business like money, tools, equipment etc.
Human resources: Human beings whose contribution society can use for different purposes.
Human resource is considered an important and potential resource of any country. Any person used to provide as a service comes under human resource. Eg: waiters, painters, software programmers, accountants, sales people, drivers, doctors, teachers, lawyers, farmers, scientists, electricians etc.  Any occupation that renders service to society is a human resource.
People are considered as a resource because with their demands and capabilities they can create new resources. The natural resources are discovered and are put to utilization only by human resources. All the natural resources will be in vain without human resources. Nature’s bounty (generosity) becomes important only when people find it and make it useful for them.
The human resources of any country are its pride and nation’s development depends on the worth of these resources.

Describe in brief about migration.

Migration is moving from one place to another temporarily or permanently, for survival. This happens mostly in groups. People migrate for various reasons. The push factors that cause migration are food shortage, drought, war, floods, insecure life, political conflicts, economic hardships, social strife, violence, poverty etc. The pull factors are to seek superior health care, better education, more employment, better standard of living, for business development or to find refuge. Famers migrate in the season of cropping to places like Bellary. The people whose living is on circus also keep migrating. Popular singer Justin Beiber is also a migrant from London to USA.

Birds and animals also migrate for various reasons like unsupportive weather conditions, for breeding or when in a danger of extinct. Gray whales. Monarch butterfly, Pelicans, Cranes etc are some of the migrants. Kolleru lake in Andhra Pradesh is a habitat of nearly 20 million birds during winter.

Migration has its impact on nation’s culture. People who migrate to cities from villages and towns benefit a lot. Their living standard improves and they learn urban culture. They get an opportunity to learn advanced skills, will come to know their inner talent and become more confident with that exposure. They will enable all possible utilities and widen their scope and broaden their mindset. When they go back to their hometowns, they will be able to serve better with their newly acquired skills.

Oral Practice Unit 1 Page 4

Explaining the bar charts

Critical choice factors among Indian youth for selecting any job
The given bar chart shows that the Indian youth is concerned about compensation package as primary criterion. A compensation package is the total payment and benefits that an employee receives for doing their job. Eg: salary, allowances, provident fund, bonus, insurance coverage, vacations etc. Next choice factor is seen as being in a well established company. After that come the job content, having informal work atmosphere, flexible work timings and opportunity for self development. In the next choice, there are again three factors equally considered. They are opportunity to travel abroad, opportunity to develop technical skills and job that leaves enough time for personal interests.
As per the statistics, we come to know that the youth is being very logical and thoughtful in concentrating on the choice factors for selecting a job.

Industry/sector preferred by young Indians for employment
Software sector is unbeatably preferred by 60% of the young Indians. Today, there is no Indian family without at least one software engineer per home. It is the well sought out career and had become every man’s dream. Only close to 10% prefer Advertising sector. Then comes the Finance sector and Management consultancy takes the next place. FMCG and Automobile sectors are preferred by around 8% each. Least is the Hospitality sector and the rest fall under other sectors. The main reason behind the percentage variation in preference might be the monetary benefits and social status they receive for that particular sector.

Give an account of Sri Srinivasa Ramanujan’s life

Srinivasa Ramanujan was one of the greatest and unusual mathematicians ever lived. He is well-known for his number theory and is considered a genius in mathematics. Even after almost a hundred years of his death, his spell still continues. Today’s mathematicians find that their clever discoveries were once discovered first by Ramanujan. His works are research topics to many scholars.

Early life and Education
Ramanujan was born in a poor, uneducated family. He has an inborn talent for mathematics. No one knows the logic behind his findings. It all came to him so naturally. He was in fact obsessed with mathematics. Though he tried twice, he was unable to get into college because he didn’t pay any attention to other subjects. He married 9 year old Janaki when he was 22 and started working as a clerk in the Madras Port Trust Office. But his interest for mathematics didn’t fade away. He started to scribble down formulas on the excess wrapping sheet. He was so obsessed with mathematics that he didn’t even want to stop to eat. His mother and wife used to feed him during mealtime so that he would continue his writing. We learn that his entire mathematical education was acquired from two books only.

Turning point of his life
The chairman and the manager at the Port Trust recognized his talent and urged him to send some of his results to the English mathematicians with a hope that they would be able to evaluate them. After a few silent rejections, it was G H Hardy who believed in Ramanujan’s worth. Ramanujan’s letter to Hardy had as many as 60 mathematical theorems and formulas without any proofs. Hardy realized that Ramanujan was a genius and invited him to England to study with him. That was the turning point of Ramanujan’s work. Ramanujan arrived at the Trinity College and worked for 3 years. He took up the challenging work of solving the unsolved problems. He was able to surpass the wisdom of Europe. He published several articles with Hardy. His contribution to mathematics is commendable.

Life in England
Ramanujan used to work for long hours, as many as 24 to 36 continuously and then would collapse and sleep for more than 12 hours. Sleeping and eating were secondary to him. He was a pure vegetarian and hence had to face problems in eating. He used to eat the rice powder fried in ghee. This improper eating and sleeplessness have left him with severe sickness. He became too weak and returned to India with some mysterious illness. It might be a deficiency of B 12 caused by his poor diet.

Ramanujan died a year later, after his return to India. He left behind 3 books and as many as 4000 results, stated without proofs. Though his work was incomplete, it has given researchers more than enough to work on. He was acknowledged by G H Hardy as ‘a very great mathematician, full of paradoxes and contradictions, who defies all judgement’.
Ramanujan’s greatest contribution is his number theory. His works were also useful in other branches of study like string theory in Physics and Algorithms in computer science.

His work is meaningful and stimulus to today’s mathematicians. His results of fundamental theory in mathematics are also relevant to problems in physics (string theory) and algorithms in computer science. No one knows where he got this knowledge from, but everyone believes that he is the example of inborn mathematical ability.

Interview with Guru ( Role Play Page 7)

Journalist: Hello Mr Guru, I am a journalist. I work for the Deccan Chronicle. I am here to take  
                  your interview.
Guru       : Surprising! Why am I being interviewed?

Journalist: Because, we came to know that you are a seasoned carpenter.
Guru       : Well, I am pleased to hear. But I was once an unsuccessful carpenter who migrated to  
                 city to earn more.

Journalist: Oh really! So, have you earned enough in the city? What brings you back to village?
Guru       : I have not only earned money but also learnt many new techniques when I was in the
                  city. I was in the city for 3 years and then thought of serving my own village by  
                  implementing these modern techniques.

Journalist: So, what is the response from villagers?
Guru       : They are quite happy for the services I offer. I am now able to manufacture all kinds    
                  of  furniture needed in the village. I am also paid better than earlier. When I can earn
                  money and reputation in my village, isn't it a better idea to live here?

Journalist: Of course, it is. Have you ever regretted for coming back to village?
Guru       : No, I didn't. I am quite happy about my present lot. I am delighted that I am able to
                 serve my village community and contribute to the development of my village.

Getting a Visa(Page 15)

A visa is a document issued to a person or a stamp marked on the passport of a person who wants to visit other country. It is the permission given by a country to a person to enter and stay in the country for a specified period of time.

The H-1B is a visa in the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 101(a)(17)(H) which allows U.S. employers to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. In short, it is the ‘US employment visa’

Fields that rely heavily on the H-1B visa

1. Aerospace Engineering
2. Research
3. Biotechnology
4. Pharmaceuticals
5. Information Technology

Types of visas to the US

1. H-1B
2. B-1 (business visitor)
3. L-1 (intra-company transferee)
4. E (treaty trader and investor)
5. TN (professional for Canadian or Mexican)
6. O-1 (extraordinary ability)

Advantages of having an H-1B visa

1. The H-1B visas can be issued quickly.
2. They are available for the accompanying relatives.
3. They allow travel in and out of the US.
4. They enable the visa holder to remain there continuously.
5. They also allow the visa holder to work legally in the US for an H-1B sponsor.

Limitations of the H-1B visa

1. They cannot be held for more than 6 years.
2. There is a restriction that an H-1B visa holder should work only for the employer who is an 
    H-1B visa sponsor.
3. A new H-1B visa is required to change a job.
4. Accompanying relatives are not entitled to work in the US.

Conditions for applying for an H-1B visa/ the eligibility requirements

1. The candidate must be a member of a profession with a college degree or its equivalent work
2. Every 3 years of work experience is equivalent to one year of college.
3. You must have a job offer from a qualified US employer for the work to be performed in the
4. The position must really require the skills of a highly educated person.
5. You must have the correct background to qualify for the job which you have been offered.
‘Getting a visa’ Role-play (Page 17, Oral practice)
Contributed by Sai Chandana, I ECE-C

Conversation between a reporter and an officer of the US Immigration Department
Reporter: Hello sir, I am a reporter from 'The Hindu'. I would like to know some information   
                  from you regarding the issuing of visas by the US government.
Officer   : Sure sir. I am at your service.

Reporter: Could you please tell me what a visa is?
Officer   : A visa is a document issued to a person or a stamp marked on the passport of a person
                 who wants to visit other country. It is the permission given by a country to a person to  
                  enter and stay in the country for a specified period of time.

 Reporter: Why does the US government accept foreign professionals?
Officer   : These days, in order to compete with today's market, you need to have a global
                presence. Hiring H1 B employees can strengthen your  competitiveness abroad and
               could also provide quality permanent workers if you are willing to sponsor applicants
               for employment-based green cards.

Reporter: What are the various types of visas to the US?
Officer   : The H1-B, B-1 (Business visitor), L-1 (intra-company transferee), E (treaty trader and      
               investor), TN (professional for Canadian or Mexican),O-1 (extraordinary ability)

Reporter: What is an H1B visa?
Officer    : The H-1B is a visa in the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act,
                  section 101(a)(17)(H) which allows U.S. employers to employ foreign workers in  
                  specialty occupations. In short, it is the ‘US employment visa’

Reporter : Who can apply for an H1 B visa?
Officer   : Anyone can apply. That is the biggest benefit ever. Foreign professionals from all  
                 over the world can apply. Dependants and spouses can also apply.

Reporter: Why has it become so popular?
Officer :It's perhaps the broad requirements associated with qualifying for the visa.
                 It might surprise you that in 2016, over 2,36,000 H1B petitions were submitted.

Reporter: Do you permit everyone that applies for a visa?
Officer   :  No, we can’t. There is an annual limit on how many petitions are approved each year.  
                  The H1B receives almost 3 times the amount of petitions than is allotted. So, we draw  
                  a lottery for that.

Reporter: What are the advantages of having an H1-B visa?
Officer   : They can be issued quickly; available for the accompanying relatives;  allow travel in
                  and out of the US;  enable the visa holder to remain there continuously; and also  
                  allow the visa holder to work legally in the US for an H1-B sponsor.

Reporter: What are the limitations of the H1-B visa?
Officer:  They cannot be held for more than 6 years; there is a restriction that an H1-B visa
                holder should work only for the employer who is an H1-b visa sponsor; a new H1-B
                visa is required to change a job; and  accompanying relatives are not entitled to work in  
                the US.

Reporter: What are the eligibility criteria to apply for an H1 B visa?
Officer: The candidate must be a member of a profession with a college degree or its equivalent
               work experience; every 3 years of work experience is equivalent to one year of college;
               he must have a job offer from a qualified US employer for the work to be performed in
               the US; the position must really require the skills of a highly educated person.; he must
               have the correct background to qualify for the job which he has been offered.

Reporter: What are the issues that people on H1B face that the citizens of the US won’t face?
Officer  : They have no free employment mobility; have fear of losing their home or security  
                 due to job loss; less negotiating power for raise and promotions; depressed wages
                 compared to citizens; being tied to a single employer.

Reporter: I have a B1 visa and have applied for the H1 B visa. Will my B1 visa get cancelled on
                    issuance of H1B?
Officer  : Founded in 2010, the US immigration fund provides opportunities for foreign
                 investors and their families to obtain permanent US residency through the E B5 visa
                 program by investing in US real estate projects that stimulate the US economy and
                 creates jobs.

Reporter: What are the basic requirements to travel on getting a visa?
Officer   : Valid travel document, being free of criminal convictions, confirmed flight tickets,
                  travel insurance to cover your stay in the US.

Reporter: Thank you for the information sir. Our readers will benefit a lot from this.
Officer   : You are most welcome. The pleasure is mine.

Critical choice factors among Indian youth for selecting any job (Page 4)
                                                                                             Contributed by B.V.Lahari  I ECE-A

The bar chart depicts critical choice factors among Indian youth for selecting any job. There are several factors shown here for selecting any job among Indian youth.
The youth of India gave more priority to compensation package. It includes salary, provident fund, leaves and other allowances.
Their second priority is to be in a well established company. They prefer status over other things. That is why they gave second priority to it. There are more than two factors whose priority stands in the third place. They are job content, having an informal work atmosphere, flexible work timing and opportunity for self development. These factors were given priority based on work, timing, and atmosphere in office.
The bar graph contains three more factors that stand on least priority. Those are opportunity to travel abroad, opportunity to develop technical skills and job that leaves enough time for personal interests.
Here, the bar graph has shown nearly 9 factors for selecting any job among Indian youth

Describing a pie chart (Page21, Exercise5)

                                                                                         (Contributed by Swapna, I ECE-B)

The given pie chart describes what employers are looking for in prospective candidates. Every candidate is expected to have a skill set. Some of them are—having good communication skills, good aptitude, possessing sound technical background, ability to work in teams. These skills are prioritized with percentage.

According to the pie chart, the first preference is given to integrity and values which occupies 30% of the total skill set, as they play a major role in our life. A person's honesty, purity, decency and thought process come under integrity and values.

The second preference is given to result orientation which occupies 20% of the pie chart. When we do some work, we get a result. Based on that, we have to keep improving our skills. It helps us in retaining the job.

The third preference is given to core domain knowledge i.e. technical knowledge which amounts to 14%. A person should possess sound technical knowledge in order to face the competition.
Better Aptitude takes the fourth priority with 12%. A person should be able to think logically and understand things that are not taught directly. In short, he has to read between the lines, an essential quality of an employee.

The fifth preference is given to cultural fitment which shows as 10%. We should fit in the culture where ever we go. Some of the cultural fitments are dress code, food habits and socialization. When you fit in a new culture, it shows that you are adaptable. It broadens your thinking and makes you receptive. It's when you start accepting things, you grow.

The next preference is given to teamwork and customer orientation with 7%. It plays a key role while doing a job. Even though we face some problems with the team members, we should work together towards the end result. We learn a lot when we work in teams. We learn to respect others' view points. Convincing a customer and explaining politely comes under Customer orientation. When you are good at this, the company gets strengthened.

English communication skills take the last place with least preference of 6%. But, without communication skills we cannot perform all the above mentioned tasks. Communication skills not only teach us how to communicate with others, they also enable us in making new friends.

These are the seven main skills required in a prospective candidate when he is being hired by an employer.


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