Wednesday 22 April 2020

Emotional Bonding

Emotional Bonding

An emotional bond between two people needn't necessarily be love; they needn't be siblings, needn’t be life partners. This bond happens by fortune, I believe. When you find someone who could emotionally respond to your soul, life is worth living. It happens only by luck. One needs to experience it to know what it is. It's like the other person reading your mind even without you, uttering a single word. It is a bliss to be bestowed with such a bonding.

Having intellectual talks is one thing. Sharing the long-forgotten, deep-buried bruises is another thing. Not everything is shared with everyone. When we find that someone whose frequency syncs and wavelength matches with ours, it is not wise to turn a blind eye. When you have that bonding, we don't need words to express. Regular chats, continuous mails, frequent visits--all these need not be a part of the relationship. No pleasantries needed, no formalities required. We can straight away pick up the topic with such people because souls remain together, think alike, respond in need, stay in touch—every nano second. 

Funny fights, heated arguments, deep discussions, weird analyses, silly jokes—all these make the bond stronger. There's no room for ego or domination. Having someone to share your crazy ideas and balanced thoughts is a dream come true.

 It is he/she—your soulmate....

 who squeezes your hand in assurance
 who pats your back in appreciation
 who warns you when on wrong path
             who holds you in distress
 who hugs you in happiness
 who teases you for fun
 who admires your talents
 who honours your reputation
             who respects your individuality
 who chides your hastiness
 who loves you unconditionally
 who is glued to your soul affectionately

This bond is more than love.  Love may fade over years, but this bond only gets stronger day by day.


  1. True and Heart touching.That someone with whom I had an experience is in front of me when I am reading it. Beautifully said.

  2. Very inspiring meaning for friendship... Simply perfect and right for the right people at all times

  3. Absolutely true Mam...It is a kind of bond that gives life and positivity to our soul...
    & I am proud to say that I found the bond in the form of friendshipπŸ₯°

  4. It's a magical bond,we can't break it
    I am proud to say I found that magical bond in form of friendship.I will never miss my friend.I have no words to express.simply super mam.I am proud to be your student

  5. Madam what a message madam πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  6. This is so true and really amazing madam,I am reading the emotional education(Alain de button) book and the gist is exactly what you explained,Thanks for passing on some great info.


    1. Oh really! I too should reqd it then. Thank you dear
