Friday 3 November 2017

Industry: Safety and Training English-1 Unit-6


                               Industry: Safety and Training (Unit 6)

Personal versus Professional Relationships (page 104)

A bond that exists between people is called relationship. These relationships grow out of basic psychological needs-to build bonds with other human beings. The strength of this bond varies in intensity when we consider various relationships. There is a fine line between personal and professional relationships which we have to observe. Just because we have built a professional relationship over a period of time, it cannot become personal relationship.

Qualities of personal relationships
In a personal relationship, we have shared interests, mutual dependence, high degree of openness and trust

Qualities of professional relationships
In a professional relationship, we are more held back. It means, we remain reserved, less open and have less trust in others.

Difficulties that arise on combining the two
We shouldn't mix both. It causes inconvenience, confusion and guilt. It leads to not being duty bound. It also results in work negligence.

Tips to remember in professional commitment
We should try to build the relationship, be punctual and honour our commitments.

Writing (page 105)

Maintaining good relationship in college with peers, teachers and others

For any relationship to be maintained, the basic requirement is honesty and polite behaviour.

In order to maintain good relation with peers, it is essential to share emotions and feelings. We can strengthen our relation when we have helping nature. We can also take the liberty to put them on track if they go wrong. We should also accept the suggestions given by peers. It is not at all good to backbite and gossip. We should watch our words and see that we don't sound rude or harsh. Mocking at others and spreading rumours is not at all advisable. Sharing things, feelings, emotions and problems will strengthen the bond. Being confidential is the primary rule to be followed.

To maintain good relation with teachers, we first need to be punctual to classes and maintain discipline. Being attentive in classes and submitting work in time leave positive impression. It is not good to answer back or argue with the teacher.  Commenting in the class and doing some other work while the class is running creates negative impression.

We need to respect others as a human being. It's not the cadre that should be respected. Treating everyone equally and being humble is essential. We should request others instead of giving commands. To build proper relation, it is good to take suggestions from seniors and take their guidance. In the same fashion, we can guide our juniors in a proper manner and build good relation.

Safety measures in a chlorine plant (page 105)

Chlorine is a part of almost everyone’s daily life. The water we drink, the food we eat, the medicine we take, the clothing we clean, the pool we swim, the car we drive, and thousands of other products are sanitized or manufactured with chlorine. It is greenish-yellow and has pungent smell. It is so dangerous and deadly when used improperly. It reacts violently with petroleum products. Chlorine burns eyes, nose and throat, causes respiratory tract damage. It also causes skin irritation and burns on body.

Proper measures should be taken while Storing, Handling and Packing the substance; and during Selection and Training of workers. Here are a few--

·         Storage tanks may be fitted inside a closed room with emergency exhaust blower. Tanks should be designed as per IS2825
·         One tank is always kept empty.
·         There should be a provision for double safety valve
·         Adequate distance between two storage tanks shall be maintained
·         Over filling is to be controlled by alarm
·         Auto control valve is to be provided to maintain uniform vacuum in the system
·         Proper maintenance of pipes and pipelines shall be done
·         Public announcement facility and local phones
·         Rescue team shall be made available on effected site on call
·         Training of employees at shop floor and at consumers’ premises is mandatory
·         Training of drivers and supporting workers is essential
·         Emergency release line saves lives
·         Remote control valve with local control shall be made available
·         Flame proof lights are to be used
·         Mock drill for employees shall be conducted for every six months
An accident in the factory (page 105)
There has been an accident in the factory. Three employees have been hospitalized after inhaling chlorine gas. The chief engineer is asked to submit a set of precautions to prevent such dangers.
Safety measures to be taken—
·         Prediction, prevention, detection, management, auditing, improvement, refresher training
·         There should be a continuous leak-detection system
·         Portable and fixed gas detectors should be employed at workplace
·         These detectors should be maintained properly.
·         It is advisable to take shallow breaths in the chlorine room until one is sure there is no chlorine leak.
·         Display of First Aid chart shall be made.
·         A shower and eye washing station should be provided.
·         Each operator should have rubber gloves, protective apron, goggles and shoes.
·         Rescue team shall be made available on effected site on call
·         Every employee needs to be trained to let them know the characteristics of chlorine, the health hazards involved, precautionary measures to be taken and first hand treatment to be given to the victim.

Training in industrial organizations (page 108)
Training is an inevitable and continuous process in an industrial setup. According to C.R.Dooley, an organization functions properly when the employees are trained continuously. It is not something that is done once to new employees. It is done at every stage to every employee.
Reasons for training
1.      To introduce the organization’s work culture to the newly recruited employee
2.      To develop new skills of an employee who is promoted or assigned new task
3.      To update the technical knowledge of existing employees
4.      To upgrade the skills of employees, when found insufficient
5.      To make an employee cope with the changing goals of the organization.
The three key factors
If the training is improperly done, the organization will fail to achieve its ends. The three important factors for effective training are-the organization, the trainer and the trainees.
Various techniques and methods of training
Case method, role-play, group discussions, lectures, films, incident method, problem-oriented exercises and projects, programmed instruction are some of the methods followed. They vary according to goals of organization and according to leaner’s’ specific needs.
Purpose of training
The primary aim of training in any organization is to educate and to help its employees to rise to certain standards to meet the workplace’s requirements.
Advantages of training
There are other advantages along with developing, upgrading and updating the skills of employees. They are--
·         Prevention of accidents
·         Preventing damage to machinery and equipment
·         Ensuring safety in the place of work
·         Reduction of scrap generation
·         High-quality production
·         Increase in production
·         Better industrial relations
·         Promoting good interpersonal relations in the organisation

A checklist on safety for shamianas and tents (page 111)
1.Is the combustible material used in the structure treated with a fire-retardant solution?
2.Is the main structure put up with proper measurements?
3.Is the minimum height of the structure maintained at 3 metres ?
4.Are all the fabric and decorative material dipped in fire-retardant solution before use?
5.Is the space between the structure and adjacent buildings kept 3 metres?
6.Is the structure taken care of not being erected beneath live electrical lines?
7.Are all the sides of the structure left open?
8.Is the provision for proper exits made?
9.Is the EXIT sign displayed properly?
10.Is the lighting installed by a licensed electrical engineer?

Importance of computer training today (page 115)
Computers have occupied prime importance in today’s globalised world. There is no sector that would e operated without a computer, these days. In order to cope with the changing trends, there is a need for computer training to the public as well as the employees. All the banks have decided against paper usage and have computerized their transactions. A provision of online banking is also made to avail the clients who can’t go to bank in person. On this note, if every person is trained with computer knowledge, we can lessen the people going to banks and wasting their precious time in the queues. Gone are the days of worrying about a ticket to travel. We have the option of selecting our seat in a bus even before we pay for the ticket. When all the transactions are being done online, computer training is a must to lead a comfortable life.

Office Etiquette (page 118)
There is certain code of conduct for every place. We need to know and follow them. We should remember certain things when we are at work place. These are some unspoken rules of public behaviour—
1.A prairie dog is cute in the wild, but not in office
A prairie dog is a ground squirrel which pops out every minute from its burrow to check its surroundings. It looks cute in the forest, but we shouldn’t act like it in an office. It’s not good to survey the surroundings, look what others are doing every now and then, listen to everyone’s talk and get into other’s cubicle without permission. Don’t interfere or interrupt others’ conversations.
2. Silent zones aren’t just for hospitals
We all know that we should maintain silence in hospitals. This rule is the same for office environment too. We should speak in low voice so that you don’t disturb others. If you have to contact another worker, walk to their desk or send them an e mail or text them or call over local line instead of shouting from your desk.
 3.Handle your smart phone smartly
Phones are hard to ignore. They connect us to friends and family; and are important for work too. But, it is good to put our mobiles in either silent or vibration mode so that the ringtone doesn’t cause any disturbance to others. Also, we should be cautious about the pitch and tone of our voice while talking over phone. Playing games on mobile with sounds coming out, humming a song you are listening to are some things that we have to control. Otherwise, we will become a nuisance to the coworkers.
4.Everything you see isn’t public property
It’s a bad habit to pick up things from others tables without their permission. It’s like invading others privacy. Even if you borrow it with permission, make sure to return the object in time.  
5.Wafts from a coworker’s desk can be displeasing
You are supposed to have your food at the lunch room, and not at your table. The smell of food from your desk may make the other person hungry or it may cause vomiting sensation to some. Also, the sounds you make while taking food—crunching, gulping, smacking, chewing—cause inconvenience to your coworkers.
Follow the office etiquette and win positive impression from coworkers.


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