Saturday, 27 January 2018

The Great Indian Scientists--Synonyms and Antonyms

The Great Indian Scientists

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (1931-2015)


a)      Affectionate—loving, tender
b)      Epithet—title, caption
c)      Tenacity—perseverance, stability
d)     Monetary—financial, pecuniary
e)      Dwindle—decrease, diminish, contract
f)       Kindred—related, akin
g)      Generous—charitable, humane
h)      Fascinate—delight, cheerful, amaze
i)        Pursue—continue, sustain
j)        Relentless—steady, uncompromising
k)      Eventually—ultimately, prospectively
l)        Pious—religious, devoted
m)    Conceive—begin, initiate
n)      Toil—stress, labour
o)      Renowned—great, noble
p)      Latent—inactive, passive, unused
q)      Harness—utilize, lock, control
r)       Mentor—teacher, advisor, councelor
s)       Humane—generous, kind, merciful
t)       Demit—resign, depress
u)      Mettle—courage, character, stuff


a)      Pinnacle x base
b)      Humble x proud
c)      Perseverance x unstable, fickle
d)     Meagre x excessive
e)      Irrelevant x relevant
f)       Holistic x atomistic, divided, segmented
g)      Indigenous x foreign, external
h)      Culminate x base, inferior
i)        Crucial x unimportant
j)        Objective x subjective
k)      Persuade x dissuade, refutation
l)        Nascent x end, completion
m)    Herculean x easy, small, less
n)      Credible x incredible, unbelievable
o)      Devoid x presence
p)      Converge x distance, diverge
q)      Rigorous x mild
r)       Impeccable x imperfect, faulty, flaw

C V Raman(1888-1970)


1.      Eureka—great, special
2.      Distinguished—dignified, august
3.      Conservative—traditional, old-fashioned
4.      Prodigy—miracle, extraordinary
5.      Inquisitiveness—curious
6.      Stellar—outstanding
7.      Luminaries—celebrities
8.      Endeavored—labored, attempted
9.      Phenomenal—remarkable, extraordinary
10.  Coveted—desire, long, yearn
11.  Formidable—alarming, scary, horrifying, shocking
12.  Eulogized—cited, salutation
13.  Volition—accord, choice, free will
14.  Conducive—useful, facilitative
15.  Endowment—talent, gift
16.  Assiduous—active, busy, occupied, engaged
17.  Civilian—social, polite, well-behaved
18.  Mooting—introducing, raising, bringing up
19.  Spontaneously—instinctively, automatically
20.  Mesmerizing—arresting, fascinating, enthralling
21.  Monochromatic—self-coloured, solid
22.  Insinuated—slipped, sneaked, wriggled
23.  Embezzlement—misappropriation
24.  Exaggeration—over emphasize, elaborate, magnify


1.      Absence x presence
2.      Bravery x cowardice
3.      Conceal x display, exhibit
4.      Dainty x undemanding
5.      Discourage x encourage
6.      Feeble x powerful, strong
7.      Generous x selfish, stingy, mean
8.      Hindrance x facilitate
9.      Immense x minute, tiny, little
10.  Inferior x superior
11.  Predicament x unexpected
12.  Sacred x impure
13.  Generous x ingenerous, mean, stingy, selfish
14.  Detrimental x safe, harmless, innocent
15.  Chasm x contiguity
16.  Stoutly x tender, weak, delicate
17.  Pioneering x final. Last

                                 Homi Jehangir Bhabha (1909-1966)


a.       Exponent—champion, advocate
b.      Visionary—idealistic
c.       Ascribe—attribute, impute
d.      Prominent—towering, protruding, notable
e.       Nuances—differences, variation
f.       Mesmerized—transfixed, attentive
g.      Allegorically—typically, metaphorically
h.      Seminal—original, primary
i.        Epicenter—focus, center
j.        Laureate—honour, fame, appreciable
k.      Hitherto—formerly, once, long ago
l.        Immense—great, large, abundant
m.    Cascade—waterfall, numerous
n.      Collisions—oppositions, clashes, counteraction
o.      Predict—foresee, anticipate
p.      Fruitful—productive, fertile, profitable
q.      Contender—assertion, declare, proposer, advance
r.        Stumbled—failed, slipped, unsuccessful
s.       Formidable—difficult, tough, troublesome
t.        Eradicate—remove, extract, root out


a.       Paternal x maternal
b.      Coveted x indifferent
c.       Disintegrations x combinations
d.      Eminent x lowness
e.       Profound x shallowness
f.       Spontaneously x unimpulsive
g.      Correlate x irrelevant
h.      Redundant x adjunct
i.        Deteriorate x production, existence
j.        Fluctuation x steady
k.      Hinder x cooperate
l.        Inauguration x completion
m.    Confidential x public, open
n.      Accumulate x dispersion
o.      Foremost x last
p.      Indigenous x foreign
q.      Nurture x careless, inattentive
r.        Unanimous x opposition, objected

Jagadish Chandra Bose (1858-1937)
The synonyms and antonyms given under this lesson are the repeated ones from the first lesson (may be printing mistake)

Prafulla Chandra Ray (1861-1944)


1.      Eminent—high, great, elevated
2.      Austere—simple, strict, hard
3.      Proximity—nearness, vicinity
4.      Truant—runaway, escapee
5.      Purists—traditional, conservative
6.      Philanthropist—unselfish, kind, charity
7.      Omission—deficit, break, missing
8.      Germinated—expanded, grew up
9.      Valiant—courageous, brave
10.  Luminaries—light, rays, beam, star, genius, intellectual
11.  Relevant—related, connected
12.  Afflicted—suffering, aching, uneasy
13.  Cynical—unbelieving, incredulous
14.  Convalescence—restore, rejuvenate
15.  Voracious—extensive
16.  Perseverance—continuance, firmness
17.  Indomitable—strong, mighty, powerful
18.  Dexterity—skill, competence, excellence
19.  Unscathed—healthy, unharmed, safe, secure
20.  Conjugate—couple, double, twin


1.      Distinguished x inferior
2.      Gigantic x lowness
3.      Threshold x end, completion
4.      Agitation x order, stability, support
5.      Aspirations x indifference
6.      Dominant x obedient, submissive
7.      Isolated x related
8.      Prolific x unproductive
9.      Unstinted x limited
10.  Gratified x painful
11.  Profound x shallow, less
12.  Oeuvre x incomplete
13.  Exhortation x disapprobation
14.  Monumental x little, less
15.  Definitive x beginning, denial
16.  Monopolistic x monopsonic
17.  Indigenous x extrinsic, foreign
18.  Extensive x small
19.  Dissect x junction, combination
20.  Honorary x paid

Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920)


a.       Significant—important, meaningful
b.      Formal—regular, structural
c.       Foremost—superior, greater, major
d.      Succinctly—briefly, concisely
e.       Reasoned—argue, discuss
f.       Cannons—assembly
g.      Accustomed—used to, habituated
h.      Recent—new, novel
i.        Christened—named, called
j.        Promising—encouraging, inspiring
k.      Consequently—succeeding, latter
l.        Bleak—cold, frigid, raw
m.    Genesis—origin, cause, source
n.      Misleading—misguiding, wrong
o.      Compilation—collection
p.      Abridged—shortened, contracted
q.      Propositions—assumptions, theorems


a.       Diligently x inattentively, carelessly
b.      Lucid x unclear, complex
c.       Exhaustive x incompleteness
d.      Ironically x expectedly, clearly
e.       Influence x impotence, insignificant
f.       Simultaneously x differing
g.      Elaborate x simple
h.      Intriguing x artlessness
i.        Immense x small, weak
j.        Precarious x steady, secure
k.      Alumnus x drop-out
l.        Patrons x uninfluential
m.    Prolific x unproductive
n.      Dominated x submissive
o.      Exceptional x imitation
p.      Acumen x bluntness
q.      Staunch x dishonest, insincere
r.        Copious x  concise
s.       Anticipation x hopelessness
t.        Prodigious x normal,
u.      Conjecture x proven
v.      Intuition x reasoning
w.    Coherent x irrelevant
x.      Succinctly x elaborately
y.      Espoused x choice
z.       Arcane x mundane, ordinary